I presented a paper on the ways we talk about DH labor at the 2019 MLA Convention. The panel, “Transacting DH: Roles, Rights, and Responsibilities of Collaboration,” was sponsored by the Association for Computers in the Humanities, and was chaired by Lisa Rhody (CUNY), and the panelists included Kathleen Fitzpatrick (Michigan State U), Rikk Mulligan (Carnegie Mellon U), and Dhanashree Thorat (Center for Digital Humanities, Pune, India).
The presentations and discussion focused on the transactional expectations of digital humanities projects and ways to keep humanistic inquiry at the center of projects that are valued according to an increasingly quantitative, metrics-driven system. The ACH blog has posted the abstracts of all of our presentations, and you can access the full text of my paper via Humanities Commons, the MLA’s open-access repository.
Read more about it on ZSR Library’s Inside ZSR blog!